HUNAGI Napló legutóbbi látogatói


#SDG11 14. ICGC 2030 Agenda 20th ISDE 3D 3D city modelling 3D city models 3D SIG 4-es metró 5. Digital Earth Summit 5. Térinformatikai Konferencia és Szakkiállítás 6th Digital Earth Summit 7 ICC&GIS adatpolitika Afrika Expo és Vásár Agenda 2030 AGEO AGILE AGILE 2014 Agile 2015 AGILE 2017 AGIT AGIT Expo Agrárinformatika Agriculture AgriFuture Appathon ARSET ASGC Atlas Human Planet 2018 Award Bernhard Harzer Verlag Best Practice BiDS 14 Big Data Big Data from Space Big Spatial Data BIM biodiversity BKK BME BME ÁGT BME VIK EIT BMWi Cadastre 2.0 CAGI cartographic heritage Cascadoss CeDEM Center for Open Data Enterprise CEODE CEOS CEOS WGISS CGS Chubu citySDK CitySmart CLGE CME CODATA conservation COP23 Copernicus Copernicus Masters Copernicus MPP CORP 2017 CORP2017 COSPAR COSPAR 2014 CSIRO Danube Data Cube Danube Participation Day of the Danube Strategy Danube Reference Data Service Infrastructure Danube_Net Data Archives Data Curation Data Documentation Initiative Data Economy data policy DCH2017 DDI DE Summit DE TGT Debrecen Debreceni Egyetem Földtudományi Intézet Defense Defense imagery Information Deqing DES 2018 DGI Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage Digital cartography digital cultural heritage Digital Earth Digital Earth in a Transformed Society Digital Earth Session Digital Earth Summit Digital Earth Summit 2016 Digital Earth Symposium Digital Map Heritage Digital repository Digitális Föld Digitális Föld Csúcs Digitális kulturális örökség digitális térképi örökség Disaster Disaster management Disaster Risk Disaster risk assessment DLR Doha Draught Risk Management DRDS DRDSI drones Drónok Duna Adatkocka Duna Stratégia Duna-régió Stratégia DUT e-Government e-learning courses EuroSDR EARSeL ECAI ECAI PNC ecosystems éghajlatváltozás élelmiszerbiztonság ELF ELTE ELTE IK TGT ELTE TGT ENSZ ENSZ Klíma Csúcs Environment EO EO4Alps EO4climate EO4SDG EoE EoE webinar ESA ESA ESRIN ESD ESDI-NET ESDINET ESPON Esri Esri Magyarország ESRIN Ethical reuse of data EU EU BIG IoT EU citySDK EU Data Innovation Forum EU Space Imaging EUGEO EUGEO2017 EULF EULIS EURISY EuroGeo EuroGEOSS EuroGEOSS broker EUROGI European Cohesion Policy European Lidar Mapping Forum European Space SolutionsKép: EuroSDR EuroSDR 3D EuroSDR JRC EUSDR Eye on Earth Eye on Earth Symposium Eye on Earth webinar fenntartható fejlődés FÉNY - TÉR - KÉP 2017 FÉNY-TÉR-KÉP FÉNY-TÉR-KÉP 2016 FÉNYKÉP FÉNYKÉP TÉRKÉP FET FF célok FFC FGDC FI Working Week 2017 FIG FIG Hanoi FIG Helsinki FIG Working Week FIG Working Week 2017 Föld-rendszer földhasználat földmegfigyelés földművelés földtudomány FÖMI FOSS Academy FOSS4G FOSS4G 2016 FOSS4G 2017 FOSS4G 2018 FOSS4G HU FOSS4G-Asia FOSS4G-Europe FOSS4G-HU FOSS4G.HU Foszforgézu Foszforgézúúúú Fotogrammetria Future Internet FuturICT Galway GaphiTech GCOS GDI Fórum GDI Sachsen Geiger-Mode LiDAR GEO GEO Business 2014 GEO Data and Knowledge Week GEO Data Providers Geo Delft 2018 GEO European Projects GEO Exhibit GEO Week 2017F GEO Week 2018 GEO XI Geo-ethics Geo-etika Geo-IT Geoadat GeoBIM GeoBIM Europe GeoBusiness GeoBusinessFORUM Geographic Information Science Geography of Europe Geoinformatics 2016 Geoinformatics Potsdam geoinformatika gazdaság geoinformatikai piac GeoIQ GEOMAT 2014 Geonovum Geoscience Australia Geospatial data Geospatial Intelligence Geospatial Summit Geospatial World Forum Geospatial World Forum 2016 Geospatial World Forum 2017 GEOSS GeoSUR GI EO SDG GI Forum GI Humanitarian Assistance GI services GI_Forum 2015 GI-18 GI-Forum GIM International Summit GIS GIS Open 2017 GIS Ostrava GIS Ostrava 2016 GIS-education Gisday GISopen GISopen 2016 GISopen 2017 grid computing Clouds GSDI GSTIC GWF GWF 2016 H-SPACE 2017 H2020 Health Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung heritage management Hexagon Horizon 2020 HUNAGI HUNAGI ISPIK HUNGEO 2014 HUNSPACE HxGN HxGN 2015 ICA ICA-OSGEO ICC&GIS ICSU ICSU CODATA ICT ICT Family Farming Ideal-IST IDEAS IGARSS IGIT IGIT 2005 IJDE ILUS 2019 imaGIne 2 Indicator reporting Információs Társadalom Parlamentje information age Infotér Infotér 2014 Infoterra Innotrends 2014 Innovation INSPIRE INSPIRE 2014 INSPIRE 2015 INSPIRE 2016 INSPIRE konferencia 2016 INSPIRE validation Intelligens városok INTERGEO 2011 Intergeo 2014 INTERGEO 2015 Intergraph International Map Year Internet of Things interoperabilitás interoperability Interspect IoT IRIS ISA ISDE ISDE 9 ISDE Digital Earth European Chapter ISDE Florence ISDE10 isde7 ISDE9 ISEH ISGC 2016 ISPRS ISPRS kongresszus ISPRS Prága ISPRS XXIII Congress ITP JAXA Jövő internet JRC Kartverket Katasztrófa menedzsment képfeldolgozás Kereskedelmi lehetőségek Afrikában knowledge kockázatelemzés Kommission für Geoinformationswirtschaft KRF KU Leuven Landsat laser scanning LBS Leica Library Library Information Lidar Lidar 2014 LIDAR forestry lidar mapping Lipszy János LISC75 Living Planet Living Planet 2016 Locate17 MAGISZ Magyar Földrajzi Napok MANT Mapinfo MFGVE MFT MFTTT Mitteldeutschen GEOforum MMK-GGT mobility MTA SZTAKI MŰI Mundo GEO Museum Allience MUT Nagy Adatok NAIH NASA NASA ARC NASA World Wind népességnövekedés Next GEOSS Next GEOSS training NextGEOSS NHIT NIH NMCA NMCA Summit NMHH Norvég Alap NRC nyfsz NyME GEO Oblique Aerial Camera Systems ODC ÓE AMK OGC OGRS okos város Del Bianco CitySmart OMSZ Open data Open data business models Open Data Cube Open Geodata Open Government Data open source Open source Geospatial Open source Geospatial Education Open source Geospatial Research Open source Open data Open Standards for BIM OSGeo OSGeo Lab Budapest Ossiach Klub OSZK Paris Agreement Patrick Hogan Pitney Bowes Software Plan4all PNC 2016 Prof. Carsten Jürgens QGIS QGIS HackFest RADI Rasdaman RDA REAL CORP 2017 Recovery Regional Development remote sensing Resource Watch RESTEC Road to dignity RPAS RT&I Sächsisches GIS-Forum SAGI SAR for mapping SatCen SD SDG SDG Academy SDG National Reporting SDG reporting SDGs SDI SDI Day SEE sensor web Sentinel Sentinel-2 Smart cities Smart City smarter cities smeSpire Societal Geo-Innovation Socioeconomic potential of Land Administration Services spatial planning SPL LiDAR Strategy on SDG National Reporting STSN Sustainable City Swiss Data Cube szenzor háló Szép Magyar Térkép Szép magyar térkép 2015 Szép Magyar Térkép 2016 Tabula Hungariae társadalmasítás távérzékelés téradatok üzleti modellek térinformatika Térinformatika oktatása Térinformatikai Konferencia TÉRKÉP Térképészet térszkennelés Törökbálint Travel Award DES 2018 UAS UAV ubiquitous e-infrastructure UHI UN 2030 Agenda UN Agenda 2020 UN Climate Summit UN SDSN UN-GGIM UN-SPIDER UNIGIS Summer School University of Geneva UNOOSA UNWGIC Urban Remote Sensing Urban transitions Űripar űrkutatás VARINEX városi hősziget városiasodás várostervezés Versenyképesség VGI Wageningen WDS We Act4SDGs Webinar European Location Framework WGISS WGISS 46 Wo? kongresszus World Summit Information Society WPLA WSIS WWEC WWEC 2014 WWEC 2015 WWEC 2016 WWEC 2017 WWEC Helsinki Z_GIS

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Eye on Earth szimpózium Dubaiban - az érdeklődők a weben élőben hallgathatják meg a 36 szekció előadásait. Elérhető a gazdag program előzetese.

 Az érdeklődők számára megosztom a ma érkezett alábbi közérdekű hírt, amely az ENSZ Agenda 2030 végrehajtásának szempontjából is lényeges kérdésköröket tárgyalja.
From: "\"Eye on Earth\"
Subject: [EoE] Join the Eye on Earth Symposium online: All 36 sessions will be webcast globally
Date: 27 September 2018 at 18:37:37 CEST
To: "Eye on Earth"

Dear Eye on Earth Network Member,
It is with great pleasure that we share (attached) the Programme of the upcoming Eye on Earth Symposium, to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from October 22-24 2018 
We are delighted to advise that the rich programme of 36 sessions will be webcast.   Remote participants joining by webcast will be able to see, hear and speak in the Symposium Sessions.   Wherever you are in the world you will be able to be a full participant in the sessions.  
In line with its partnership building and knowledge exchange mission participation in Eye on Earth, the Eye on Earth Symposium and the Eye on Earth webcasts are free of cost.
We are immensely proud of the outstanding programme that you, the members of the Eye on Earth global collaborative, have brought together.     The sessions involve eighty four leading experts in environment and natural resources aspects of information for sustainable development.   The programme offers a rich suite of topic areas from fundamental enablers such as Environmental Education, Citizen Science and Cataloguing Indigenous Knowledge, through technology innovations such as the UN Environment’s World Situation Room, WRI’s Resource Watch and the Open Data Cube to specific environmental policy areas such as Biodiversity and Air Quality.   The programme addresses issues relevant to all geographies.
Below we list the Session titles, dates and times  and the webinar URL’s.     Dates and times are Dubai/UTC+4.  We recommend using an online time zone converter to convert to your home time zone.   Full details including abstracts and speakers can be found in the attached Programme document.
Information about the Eye on Earth Symposium can be found at the Eye on Earth website:
Follow news and promote the Symposium using  #EyeOnEarthSymposium
Please share this email and the attachment with relevant members of your professional and institutional network.  
For technical reasons each session is run as a separate webinar, so you must register for each webinar separately.   You only need answer the key webinar registration information; the optional fields need only be answered once.
The programme is subject to minor change, the latest data will always be available at
The Eye on Earth Symposium will be professionally reported by International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) Reporting Services

Date (Dubai/UTC+4 Time Zone)
Session Title
Webcast URL
Start Time
Monday, October 22, 2018
Opening Welcome
15 mins
Monday, October 22, 2018
Africa SDGs Data Mapping
40 mins
Monday, October 22, 2018
Improving and harmonizing air quality data to map health impacts of air pollution: Featuring a case study from Abu Dhabi
55 mins
Monday, October 22, 2018
Data Challenges and Opportunities for Implementing the SDGs in the Arab Region
1 hr 25 mins
Monday, October 22, 2018
Cataloguing Indigenous Knowledge
1 hr
Monday, October 22, 2018
Global Environmental Education Partnership: Building a Global Champion for Environmental Education
1 hr 15 mins
Monday, October 22, 2018
Information into Action: Approaches and lessons learned from global data initiatives
1 hr 15 mins
Monday, October 22, 2018
Global Forest Link: Engaging Youth Worldwide in Collaborative Environmental Analysis and Decision Making
1 hr
Monday, October 22, 2018
Resource Watch Workshop - Monitoring the Planet’s Pulse
45 mins
Monday, October 22, 2018
Application of Earth Observation (EO) data to support robust investment decisions in the face of a changing climate
2 hr
Monday, October 22, 2018
Global Environmental Education Partnership and NAAEE: An Interactive Workshop Focused on Strengthening Environmental Education Around the World!
2 hr 30 mins
Date (Dubai/UTC+4 Time Zone)
Session Title
Webcast URL
Start Time
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Open Data Cubes: Earth Observations for the Sustainable Development Goals
2 hr
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Gender disaggregated data in Natural Resource Management
30 mins
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
The Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP) Dashboard: Tracking Trends for Conservation
1 hr
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Environmental Conventions Index: Measuring the implementation of global environmental conventions
1 hr 15 mins
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Applied System of Systems Approach to the 2030 Agenda
40 mins
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Visual Analysis of SDG Indicators and Environmental Surveys with SuAVE
30 mins
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Fish Carbon - Ocean Conservation as Climate Change Action
15 mins
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
The World Situation Room - UN Environment’s response to the Data Revolution
1 hr 30 mins
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Integration and disaggregation of biodiversity data towards sustainable development: a deep dive
1 hr 30 mins
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Doing Business Differently: How the use of data can enhance the role of the private sector in addressing climate change
1 hr 15 mins
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
WWF tools for unlocking community based environmental monitoring
15 mins
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Engagement and Big Data: the Citizen Science contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
1 hr
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Implementation and applications of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems
3 hr 45 mins
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
The contribution of non-traditional data including Citizen Science in addressing the Sustainable Development Goals
2 hr
Date (Dubai/UTC+4 Time Zone)
Session Title
Webcast URL
Start Time
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
UN Biodiversity Lab: Empowering Policymakers to Use and Apply Spatial Data
45 mins
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Environmental Communication in Visual Media
45 mins
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA): Serving environmental policies for Sustainable Development and the SDGs (part 1 The SEEA Central Framework )
1 hr
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Enhanced Earth Science Data Discovery and Integration with Research Workbenches: the EarthCube Data Discovery Hub
45 mins
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Introducing the Indicator Reporting Information System (IRIS)
1 hr 30 mins
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA): Serving environmental policies for Sustainable Development and the SDGs (part 2 Ecosystem Accounting )
1 hr
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Big data for toxic exposure assessment and prevention to make a safer world for people, environment and wildlife by 2030
25 mins
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

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