Mai postánkból. Patrick J. Hogan-tól (NASA ARC) érkezett figyelemfelhívás egyenesen a HUNAGI tagságának, partnereinek és érdeklődő olvasóinak:
"Earth: Telecon April 10 - How Landsat Images Are Made
"Earth: Telecon April 10 - How Landsat Images Are Made
DATE: Thursday, April 10, 2014
TIME: 1:00 p.m. PDT (4:00 p.m. EDT)
CALL-IN NUMBER: 1-888-323-4924
Earth: More than a Pretty Picture: How Landsat images Are Made
The extensive archive of Landsat data makes up the Earth's family photo album. Landsat satellites have been recording changes on Earth's lands consistently and reliably since 1972. People can do marvelous things with Landsat data, such as quantify urban growth, glacier shrinkage and the extent of volcanic eruptions and floods; estimate crop yield; and document changes in one's own communities. You too can learn to download and analyze Landsat data at no cost. This Museum Alliance session will provide participants with a basic understanding of how Landsat works, and will cover tutorials on how to download Landsat scenes and open them using different wavelengths of light, to serve specific purposes. Try it beforehand and bring your questions!
Jeannie Allen is a science and geography education specialist for Earth-observing satellite missions with Sigma Space Corp. based at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and working in New Mexico. She makes NASA's research discoveries and data accessible for public and classroom use through workshops and publications, particularly in partnership with other organizations. Allen has a Master's degree in Biogeography and an interest in prehistoric agriculture and plant domestication.
Before the telecon, the presentation materials will be posted on the Museum Alliance member website at: https://informal.jpl.nasa. gov/museum/Conversations Click on the name of the conversation to go to the resources page for this conversation and download the materials.
You will need your Museum Alliance username and password to access the materials. An audio file and transcript will be posted in the same page about a week after the telecon.
Landsat Science: http://landsat.gsfc.
Landsat Education: http://landsat.
Earth Right Now: earth-right-now/#.Uz33kFzWjEA
This Professional Development Conversation is intended to prepare you for your upcoming presentations and events. It is NOT to be shared LIVE in classrooms, museums, or other venues, including social media. Please do NOT share the telecon call-in information (phone number, passcode, etc.).
1. When the telecon begins, please mute your phone while the speaker is talking.
* If your phone doesn't have a "mute" button, press *6 (star six) to mute your phone.
* The *6 feature is a toggle; your phone may be unmuted for questions by pressing *6 again.
2. For technical problems encountered during the training, press *0 (star zero) to signal the operator who can temporarily remove you from the telecon "room" to resolve the issue.
3. If entering the telecon after the recording has begun, please enter SILENTLY and do not announce your name, as the recording will have begun already.
4. DO NOT place your phone on "hold": if music is played while a hold button is engaged, the music will be heard by telecon listeners and will be disruptive to the speaker, participants, and the transcription service."
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